Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best in Show.

Christ will also be exhibiting it in the new SEGO Art Center in May (opening May 2).

Artist's Statement

"My piece is titled ATOM. It is 18 lamps configured in a sphere and suspended like a chandelier. The light bulbs of all 18 lamps are in the center of the sphere and the lamps are on the outside. The sculpture is held together by a steel infrastructure shaped like an atom symbol. It is an eclectic assemblage of antique to modern lamps of all shapes and colors.

The theme I am working with is "distraction," the idea that the items we use to aid or intensify our senses often turn on us and hinder our ability to gather information. In this sculpture the lamps shade their own light and in a way selfishly refuse to completely contribute and fulfill the purpose of their creation.

Another issue I am confronting in my use of materials is the idea of consumption and waste. With so many items in existence in the world it seems senseless to create more. In my work, I choose to involve discarded and rejected objects that once had value and purpose, but were replaced or eliminated. In this sculpture the found objects were attracted to each other and similar to an atom's collecting protons and neutrons to form a useful element."